1212 Mariposa St
Denver, CO 80204
Join The Colorado Gerontological Society for our 2023 Aging in Place Summit, a formal gathering where Older Adults, their families, caregivers, and advocates engage in discussions about aging in place.
FREE street parking, refreshments and lunch will be provided at the event!
We are looking to hear from you! Please bring your questions, concerns, and personal experiences as they relate to aging in place. There will be an opportunity for community engagement during the sessions.
Session topics will include:
Exploring the necessary resources and supports and “how to” successfully age in place:
Session to include a panel of aging in place service providers and advocates, discussing the importance of increasing aging in place infrastructure supports and accessibility to services, the different types of aging in place services available, and where to access them. Featured topics include: using technology to age in place, home modifications, downsizing, outside of the home services, and in-home care services.
Inequitable access: barriers and challenges to aging in place:
Session is intended to explore the “gap” population of Older Adults, who do not need medical necessity qualifications to receive low-cost/free home-based community services (HCBS), and alternative routes to accessing services such as private pay services, along with discussing barriers often faced with multigenerational families structures.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: This event is open to the public, so please share with your family and friends! Online registration is available until Monday August 14, 2023.