Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)

Medicaid offers a program called Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) that allows individuals to have an extremely high level of control over their Medicaid funded home health services. CDASS is open to individuals who are eligible for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). What this means is individuals who receive CDASS will be assigned an individualized monthly allocation of funds that can be used specifically for hiring and paying for attendant services.

Attendants may also be known as aides, personal care providers, homemakers or other terms for individuals who provide assistive home health services. The consumer, or individual receiving the assistance has a large amount of discretion in selecting attendants and services provided, but must have a stable health condition that requires attendant support and a predictable pattern of attendant services as documented by a physician or historical use of Medicaid services. Attendants can be friends and family members, or staff from an agency with qualifications for care set by the consumer. Payment for services is determined by the individual.

The CDASS program is available to all HCBS recipients. As a participant in the program, an individual would hire, train, supervise and fire his/her own attendant(s). This means the individual must be able to manage financial aspects of the support services (through prior experience, completion of a Support Management Training, or having a Authorized Representative who can do so), have the ability to manage their own health conditions through the same processes, and the ability to supervise attendants (supervision includes recruitment and hiring, communication of expectations, provide training and review, management of paperwork, and dismissal when necessary).

To receive CDASS, individuals must be eligible for Medicaid HCBS and should contact their Single Entry Point for an appointment. Applicants will also need to have a completed Physician Statement of Consumer Capability, available from your Medicaid case worker. If the applicant wishes, he/she may also designate an Authorized Representative, who can fulfill many of the administrative requirements for consumers.

Individuals must also develop a care plan with the the case managers, in order to properly calculate the monthly allocation. The case manage will evaluate the attendant services through home visits, individual contacts or case plan reviews.

Individuals who are receiving CDASS may return to regular Medicaid at any time, with no impact on eligibility for services.

Individuals who are not currently receiving Medicaid should check their eligibility.

The CDASS website has the most current information regarding upcoming trainings for the program. For questions and assistance applying, you can contact your Single Entry Point or our office at 303-333-3482.